Ayurvedic herbs are among the key herbs that can be used to prevent the body from the diseases and gives the body very good nourishment with a perfect balance of mind, body and spirit. Ayurveda medicines can be used for health improvement without any side effects. The basic function of ayurvedic medicine is to prevent the body from illness rather than to respond to the diseases. Ayurveda involves the use of yoga, meditation, massage and aromatherapy.

The basic health benefits of Ayurveda is for pain relief and increased vitality which can happen only with the right combination of 600 herbal formulas and 250 practical health remedies.

The following are some of the ayurvedic herbs that are should be taken under serious medical consideration:

Triphala: It is a botanical formula that contains three basic herbs that are: Amla, Myrobalan, and Bellericmyrobalan. These herbs have the capability to exhibit antioxidant effects which means that they can cause free radicals to neutralize the antioxidant effects. This herb can be used to prevent many anti-ageing related issues. These kinds of herbs can also be claimed as Rasayana which means they can be used to solve many digestion related issues and many other issues like low cholesterol and diabetes. According to sources, the main use of Triphala herbs can be used for weight reduction and the prevention of obesity and cholesterol. If the dosage is pretty high then it may cause diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. Here the drug interaction that may have used to occur like blood thinners like Coumadin.

Guggul: This is a traditional ayurvedic herb which can be used to cut down the cholesterol and to reduce various cardiovascular diseases. According to sources the main function of this particular herb is to reduce the issue of high cholesterol. Excessive usage of this drug can cause stomach upset, headache, vomiting and loose stools sometimes. This is used for estrogen-based birth control.

Boswellia: This may also be termed as Indian Frankincense and is sourced from the resin of Boswellia tree. It contains boswellic acid and can be used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases like Asthma, Cardiovascular disease and can be used for the treatment of ulcers. According to a study source of 2011, a 30-day course of Aflapin (a purified form of Boswellia) can be used to reduce the pain in 30 adults with arthritis. According to sources, there will be further need of study about the safety of using Aflapin to check whether it can be used for the treatment of people with arthritis. Excessive usage of this may cause an allergic rash, stomach pain, diarrhea and nausea. 

Due to a lack of quality research, ayurvedic medicines should not be given to small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.


The usage and the transfer of ayurvedic herbs usually happens from one generation to the next. Many ayurvedic herbs are made from teas and tonics while others are formulated in teas, tonics and tinctures. The biggest concern related to ayurvedic medicine is drug safety and its implication. One of the main safety concern that one should keep in mind is that he should do the overdose if the prescribed medicine. And it should always be taken under the prescription of a quality physician.

So basically before the use of ayurvedic medicine, one should always keep in mind the case of drug safety given these remedies are largely and continuously regulated.

In general ayurvedic medicines are made best of their use, if they are used wisely and used under a prescribed format.

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