Advantages of Potato?

All of you must be aware of this vegetable known as Potato. It is a root that has starch present in it. In almost every part of the world, people are consuming Potato. As it can be added with most of the vegetables and can be cooked in different ways. But some people also suggest […]

Common Vitamins & Minerals Deficiencies in Vegetarians in India

Being an Indian, following a vegetarian diet is not surprising. As most of the Indian follows a vegetarian diet only. We all have been taught from our childhood that one should eat as many vegetables as we can as it helps in keeping us healthy. We have been told that vegetables are full of nutrients […]

Whole Milk v/s Toned Milk

Most of us would have grown up differentiating only the cow milk and the buffalo milk. But these days, when we go to the market and check the dairy section, there is a complete variety of milk available there. Whole Milk, Full Cream Milk, Toned Milk, Half Toned Milk, Skimmed Milk, Diet Milk, and a […]

Why Add Sugar-Free In Your Favorite Desert?

There are two types of people, either they love to eat sweet or they love to eat spicily. Sugar is one of the most important ingredients in Indian food. Starting the day with Tea to having Kheer at dinner, sugar is used throughout the day. Most of the Indian food items have sugar in it […]


This question has always been a topic of debate that which is healthier, Rice or Chapati. Some people say that consumption of Rice regularly may increase the weight, and some say eating more Chapati increases the carb level in the body. But the truth is that the Indian meal in incomplete without Rice or Chapati. […]

How To Improve Metabolism With Food?

For learning how to improve metabolism with food, first, you need to understand what is Metabolism and its importance too. So basically, metabolism is a term given to a set of chemical reactions which occur in our body cells. This process leads to the growth and reproduction of our body cells and allows us to […]


The Thermogenic diet is a popular diet which works on the process of thermogenesis. This diet plan has given proven results in burning calories and helping in quick weight loss. As the name says “Thermo,” this diet plan focuses on the increased body heat of the follower. Just like while doing exercise, the more heat […]

What Is Ketogenic Diet?

We are living in a time where people are getting conscious about their health and are willing to adopt different diet plans for better health. Among the variety of diet plans being followed these days, we have The Ketogenic Diet plan. It is a low-carb diet yet high fat diet. The Ketogenic Diet entirely focuses […]

Different Types Of Diet Plan

Today, it’s important to choose our food carefully because every food choice we make today will affect our lives in the future. Following a proper nutrition diet will always help in living a healthy lifestyle all the way long. Some physical activities in the diet plan help in maintaining good body weight and also reduces […]